One of every three students receives financial aid to study at our institution.

You can also access our Financial Aid Program which grants funds through scholarships and loans to students with high grade point averages and with limited economic resources.

If you wish to study one of our undergraduate programs, we offer two types of financial aid: scholarships or loans, or a combination of a both. The scholarships granted by ITAM do not impose any conditions other than maintaining a high academic level. This means that if you receive a scholarship, you are not obligated to work for ITAM to reimburse the scholarship or to pay for it on finishing your studies.


You can apply for one of several types of scholarships:

  1. ITAM Scholarships and SEP Scholarships
  2. Special Scholarships (the Baillères Scholarship, the Miguel Mancera Scholarship for Sustenance, the Nissan Scholarship for Engineering, the García Sámano Scholarship for Law).
  3. Scholarships from companies (Procter&Gamble, Siemens, JPMorgan).

ITAM Scholarships and SEP Scholarships

ITAM Scholarships *

Our Institution grants these scholarships as of the first semester and they range from 10% to 90% of the tuition fees. They are granted every term and must be renewed at the beginning of the following term.

The requirements are as follows:

  • Pass the Admissions Exam or have a pase directo (given to students from approved schools)
  • Have a high school grade point average of 9.0 (nine) or higher
  • Show that financial assistance is needed, that is, explain the reason(s) the student cannot cover tuition fees. We verify this situation by means of a socio-economic study
  • Wait for the results of the Scholarship and Financial Aid Committee's analysis of the application

To have this scholarship every term, you need to maintain your grade point average and show that you need financial assistance.

SEP Scholarship *

This works along the same guidelines and conditions as ITAM Scholarships.

Special Scholarships *

Baillères Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to new students that have obtained the highest scores on the admissions exam in each one of the programs and that demonstrate economic necessity. Again, we verify this situation by means of a socio-economic background check.

This is the only full scholarship and only one is granted per program. The Baillères Scholarship exempts full payment of tuition fees for the entire program, as long as the recipient maintains a minimum grade point average of 9.0 (nine).

Miguel Mancera Scholarship for Sustenance

This scholarship is granted to Economics, Actuarial Science, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Telematics Engineering and Political Science students that obtain the highest scores on admission exams and that can demonstrate economic necessity. The amount of the scholarship is equal to 500 UDIS ( Unidades de Inversión ) [Investment Units] a month in Mexican pesos.

Two other requirements to obtain the Mancera Scholarship are that the student is not working and that he has financial aid to pay tuition fees.

Once the scholarship is awarded, the recipients will receive during the time they are studying at ITAM, including vacation periods, and for an additional three months while they write their thesis. This scholarship is subject to the student's maintaining a grade point average of 9.0 (nine) and continued financial need.

Nissan Scholarship for Engineering

This scholarship is only granted to new students in engineering that meet the usual ITAM Scholarship requirements (economic necessity and a minimum high school grade point average of nine). 50% of tuition fees are covered with this scholarship.

Federico García Sámano Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to Law students from the second year onwards. Recipients must show that they need financial assistance. 75% of tuition fees are covered by this scholarship.

Candidates for the scholarship must be among the students with the best class grade point averages (9.0 or higher) and be receiving financial aid from ITAM.

* The ITAM and SEP Scholarships are granted up to the sixth semester. After that time, only loans are granted for the same percentage.

Company Scholarships

Several transnational companies are interested in hiring graduates from our institution. Therefore, these companies establish contact with our graduates by offering scholarships that cover tuition fees. The current company scholarships are the following:

Procter & Gamble Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to those students that are five semesters short of concluding their university education. The requirements to obtain this scholarship are to have a minimum grade point average of 8.0, be fluent in English and pass an exam given by the company. It is not necessary to demonstrate economic necessity for the company to cover tuition fees.

Siemens Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are one year from finishing their studies and need to cover a maximum of ten courses. Requirements are: have a minimum grade point average of 8.0, be perfectly fluent in English, pass an exam given by the company and show that financial assistance is needed to cover tuition costs. The scholarship covers 50% of tuition fees.

JPMorgan Scholarship

JPMorgan Chase Bank New York, NY, USA, grants this scholarship and covers the full university education. The requirements are: be an enrolled student and have a minimum grade point average of 8.7 (eight point seven).

For more information on the financial aid we offer, contact ITAM's Office of Recruitment:

Río Hondo No. 1
Col. Progreso Tizapán
C.P. 01080, México, D.F.
Telephone: +52(55) 5628-4028 and 01800-000-ITAM

Or send an e mail to [email protected]